Durham University

Durham University (DU) is a leading HE institution in terms of its biodiversity and sustainability planning. It has already committed to Biodiversity Net Gain by 2032 and to net zero emissions by 2035. It is a founding member of the Nature Positive Universities Network, a Green Gown Nature Positive Award Winner in 2023, and was Highly Commended in the International Nature Positive award in 2024. Durham is ranked 19th in the world for its work on sustainability. It has a Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2023) in place and recently appointed its first Biodiversity Manager for the university estate, which hosts over 850 species. It is one of four institutes leading on NETGAIN, a doctoral focal award to train the next generation of PhD graduates to develop the science and practice of nature markets for biodiversity.


International Green Gown Award (2024) Highly Commended:  Nature Positive Highly Commended - Durham University

National Green Gown Award (2023) Winner: Durham University | Green Gown Awards

Examples of DU’s extensive school outreach: Working with Schools - Durham University

A brief introduction to our biodiversity strategy: Enhancing Biodiversity - Durham University

An example of working with our neighbours to enhance biodiversity: Our scientists are supporting Durham Cathedral to bring swifts to nest - Durham University

Recognition of our wildlife-friendly practices: Durham called one of the most “wildlife-friendly” universities in Britain – Palatinate

Ranking 19th globally for our work on sustainability: QS Sustainability University Rankings 2024 | Top Universities


Learn more about Durham University here